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Monday, November 9, 2015

5 Quick Ideas - Commmunicating Issues Externally

Every organization that has attempted to discuss issues impacting them has at one point or another been faced with opposition for being seen as "self serving." It's unavoidable. No matter what you do, it is going to to be said. Don't waste a single second being consumed about it. Just. Move. On.

That said, you should do your best to mitigate these comments. The previous section (LINK) covered how to have the discussion within your own organization - and many of these suggestions hold true for external communication as well - however there are ways to communicate externally that shift the discussion some. You should try to incorporate these.

REFRAME THE IMPACT - You know full well how your business/ industry/ organization will be impacted. However it makes a much more impacting presentation if you can show how this issue affects others - and can do so from their perspective. Have a brainstorming session to come up with the perspectives, and shape the discussion. Don't be afraid to invite in the groups you believe to be impacted to get their take on the issue.

BUILD THAT COALITION - Once you see how far out the impacts of an issue can go, bring in the groups that represent those impacted organizations. Get them on board. Coalitions are much more effective to the broader public than a lone voice.

THIRD PARTY IS KEY - Research. Information Sessions. Studies. All of these types of input are essential, but need to be at an arm's length. The more you can show that the impacts you are referring to were found by others and not commissioned by you, the better off you will be in communicating a believable position.

BE AVAILABLE - Once you start showing impacts to others, they are going to want to learn more. Making yourself available to explain further in detail will help serve that coalition building, as well as position you as being open, honest, and forthright on the issue.

KEEP IT IMPERSONAL - The fact of the matter is this - People take on a personal attachment to issues.  The more you can avoid this, the better.  Present everything calmly and dispassionately.  Receive opposition and criticism with compassion and understanding, and present alternative issues that the people opposing your position may not have considered.  You wont win them all over, but you will be seen as sincere - which to the undecided individuals will be important.

Know that you are going to face opposition - however doing nothing in the face of opposition is as good as letting the other side win.  Don't worry about any of the outside factors that could influence your success, just present your side.


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