While we move...

We are in the process of updating our website. In the meantime, you can find out information about us here. For further information, please email us:
Chip Ahlswede
Meredith Weisel

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Building a comprehensive Government Affairs Program

Is it time to identify new ways to better advocate for your organization’s interests? Perhaps we should start by looking at what elements make for a successful Government Affairs program and then determine where your efforts could improve:

Your organization’s success often depends upon the ability to advocate for your agenda. To achieve success and positive policy results, you must:

  • Increase effectiveness of policy development and issue advocacy programs
  • Increase ability to support friendly policy-makers
  • Increase PAC investments to advocate for policy goals
  • Increase member participation in advocacy programs
There are three components to a successful government affairs program – Policy, Politics and Public Advocacy.

In order to craft or improve public policy, it is critical to understand the political/policy environment, and provide solutions to the challenges faced.

·  Develop a pro-active approach to policy-making (offer solutions to challenges, as well as reacting to proposals made by others that negatively affect your interests)
·  Identify your organization’s legislative priorities (top three issues you want policy-makers to address this year)
·  Determine what your message is for each legislative priority, who will deliver your message, how you will deliver your message and what supporting information will be needed to persuade policy-makers (best practices, model policies, research, policy guides , testimonials, coalition support, etc.)

Who is elected determines the outcome of good policy. Organizations must have the ability to implement plans and utilize resources to impact elections.

·  Identify which political offices are up for election and which elected officials support your interests and which ones do not
·  Determine which elected officials are running, which candidates will likely be vulnerable and which seats will be open
·  Recruit candidates for targeted races(focus on open seat opportunities and vulnerable candidates who do not support your interests)
·  Endorse candidates who support your interests, and provide support to help ensure victory for your candidates (contribute funds, provide volunteers, conduct Independent Expenditures)
·  Ensure you have the ability to influence elections by having sufficient PAC funds available (if you do not have the ability to help all your endorsed candidates win, then you need more funds in your PAC)

Public Advocacy
In order to ensure adoption of public policies that reflect your organization’s interests, you will often need to create the need for changing policies by raising attention, creating a presence and putting pressure on decision-makers to take action. In order to do this, you should be able to utilize marketing and public relations tools so that the public and policy-makers understand how to best improve policies.

·  Identify your target audiences (policy-makers, media, members, public)
·  Conduct surveys to understand what the public thinks and how to reach them
·  Develop effective messages that resonate with the target audience
·  Conduct marketing and media strategies, issue advocacy campaigns and outreach activities to promote adoption of policies

Government Affairs Strategies LLC provides the experience and expertise needed to build effective government affairs programs. 

Our team has the ideal mix of experience and understanding how associations operate, how they can be successful, how to develop effective government affairs programs, campaign strategies, issue advocacy campaigns, legislative tactics, message development, communications/media plans, grassroots member mobilization and PAC fundraising programs.

As always, let us know how we can help you achieve your goals.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

What happens if...

What happens if a stand up comedian goes on a TV news show, doesn't get the respect he deserves and gets a little upset?
video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

If that video link doesn't work, click HERE to see Russell Brand tear into the MSNBC Morning Joe team with incredible grace.

What starts out as a light hearted exchange quickly devolves into a surface level jibbing of pointless banter that takes away from the opportunity to hear Mr. Brand promote his upcoming tour.  The look on his face early on shows how disappointed he is with the progression.

So what does he do? In impressive fashion he dresses them all down individually, and then collectively for misguiding, misrepresenting, and misconstruing the format of media they represent.

What's the point?
Don't underestimate how badly someone can make you look if you dont take the time to prepare and act professionally.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Building a Successful PAC

Today the GA Strategies team presents to the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) on building a successful PAC program.

If you'd like to see the presentation, please go here - http://bit.ly/ASAE2013

Monday, June 10, 2013

Knowing what you want

One of the biggest challenges we all face is that of how to be effective in our course.  However more often than not you will end up with analysis paralysis.

The key is knowing what you want.  Before you call for help, sit back and ask yourself what your goal is.  Once you know that.  Figure out how you will best get there.

Your next step is knowing what you do and do not want in that effort.  However don't get stuck on those parameters.  There may be things you aren't thinking about that could be helpful.

Scott Phillips, a PR consultant from Chicago just penned a blog about RFPs that limit creativity.  Why box everyone in when you are looking to break out?  Regardless of what you are trying to do, yours isnt the only perspective, so don't limit how you can be successful, and don't limit yourself by over analyzing.

Somewhere in between is the...


Saturday, June 8, 2013

GAStrategies doing 2 presentations @ ASAE Government Relations Symposium!

This week the Government Affairs Strategies team will be doing 2 presentations, both at the ASAE Government Relations Symposium in Washington D.C.

Thursday Afternoon

Taking your PAC from Competitive to Successful
We will be covering new ways to empower your PAC fundraising, and really making your PAC that much more powerful.

Friday Morning

Starting From Scratch
In conjunction with David Mintz of Mintz Consulting, Chip Ahlswede will be giving a presentation on how to start a Government Affairs Program to make it successful. 

Along with some great other programs, Government Affairs Strategies is honored to be included in the program for our third consecutive year. 

Register today to come hear about ways to advance your advocacy!
asae logo

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Where will GA Strategies be in June?

We are out and about again!

11-12 - New Hampshire - Meredith
12-15 - Washington D.C. - Chip, Bryan, Meredith
17-19 - Sedona Az - Chip
21 - San Diego - Chip

Let us know if you'd like to get together, we would love the opportunity to discuss what issues you are facing, and how you can win at them!

The rest of the time we are usually in our home areas -

Chip - Orange County, CA (Near Los Angeles)
Meredith - Montgomery County, MD (Near Washington D.C.)
Bryan - Snohomish County, WA (Near Seattle)

If you are in the area, let us know and we will come to you.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Timing is everything

So east coast fans of the HBO show "Game of Thrones" are very excited about whatever just happened. Including my business partner.

However I'm here on the west coast and the show doesn't air for 2 more hours.  West coast fans are less than pleased with the spoilers coming out of the other coast.

Evidently Discovery Chanel even put out a spoiler. That won't sit well either.

What's the point?

Make sure your timing is right in your messages or you will likely alienate parts of your audience.