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Chip Ahlswede
Meredith Weisel

Monday, September 8, 2014

The difference between perception and reality

One of our clients is looking at a major shift.  They are looking at a new use of their property that would do away with a commonly used thoroughfare.  Something that lots of people rely on.

Doing so however will allow them to really maximize the use of their property, and there are alternative solutions for people to travel.

So what can you do to convince those that don't believe that they will be impacted?
  • You can't tell them it will work, because they want proof
  • You can't show them data, because they cant conceptualize it
  • You can't show them renderings, because they wont believe it is real
You have to show them.  What this looks like in practice.

 What was once a street is now a great park space where people can connect between their places of work, and residences, and their entertainment areas.  Providing a new found sense of place.

These images are what they are looking to have.  And none of it could be captured by a statistic, a statement, or a drawing.  It needs to be real.

So rather than argue with their own resistance to arguments, we disproved their concerns by making the project real.  By showing them.

Seeing the space

Seeing that there are options

Seeing the reality of what they could have if they took that leap

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