While we move...

We are in the process of updating our website. In the meantime, you can find out information about us here. For further information, please email us:
Chip Ahlswede
Meredith Weisel

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Electing Champions … developing a successful political program

Public Policy decisions affect your ability to make a living. Almost every day, elected officials make decisions that affect your ability to conduct business. Who is elected determines the outcome of public policy. Electing the right policy-makers positions you for positive public policy. Organizations must have the ability to implement plans and utilize resources to impact elections.

·  Benchmark your current elected officials to determine who supports your issues and who does not (provide information about your issues, , develop relationships, monitor their actions, watch their voting records)

·  Track the campaign process (when is the election, when is filing for candidacy)

·  Identify which political offices are up for election and which elected officials support your interests and which ones do not

·  Determine which elected officials are running, which candidates will likely be vulnerable and which seats will be open

·  Recruit candidates for targeted races (focus on open seat opportunities and vulnerable candidates who do not support your interests), work with members and coalition partners to find potential champions

·  Conduct campaign training programs to educate potential candidates and activists how to conduct successful campaigns

·  Endorse candidates who support your interests (make sure you have an endorsement policy and procedures adopted to give your endorsement credibility)

·  Provide support to help ensure victory for your endorsed candidates (contribute funds, provide volunteers, conduct Independent Expenditures)

Ensure you have the ability to influence elections by having sufficient PAC funds available (if you do not have the ability to help all your endorsed candidates win, then you need more funds in your PAC).

Government Affairs Strategies LLC provides the experience and expertise needed to build effective government affairs programs.

Our team has the ideal mix of experience and understanding how associations operate, how they can be successful, how to develop effective government affairs programs, campaign strategies, issue advocacy campaigns, legislative tactics, message development, communications/media plans, grassroots member mobilization and PAC fundraising programs.

As always, let us know how we can help you achieve your goals.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Popularity Contests in Politics

So many of us remember or have tried to forget the days of high school popularity contests – the good, the bad and the ugly!  But what does popularity have to do with politics? In today’s world of politics data is a key piece for almost everything, from polling to branding yourself, your online presence in social media to regular news feeds.  So what does this have to do with popularity and why should politicians being paying attention? Well check out what this DC start-up company is doing.  As we’ve seen from recent news, the good, the bad and the ugly exists everywhere and yes we know this is a shock but in politics too.  Either way, both incumbents and challengers need to know where their popularity stands and who is saying what about them.  And having that in data form is invaluable information to help them mold and shape their agendas among voters!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mobilizing members in Government Affairs

Not getting the support you need from your members? Maybe you want to look at your committee structure and the role they play. Does your Government Affairs Committee primarily convene and struggle to find a reason to exist? Do they meet for the sake of meeting? Do they have an agenda? Do you have a chairman that is focused and stays on topic/track? Sometimes it may be necessary to reorganize your committee to ensure they accomplish what you need them to accomplish (adopt policy, provide oversight and guidance when necessary) and create task forces to address specific issues.

Before you look to mobilize your members, you will want to know what you want them to do. Do you need certain members to …

·         Serve on committees?
·         Attend public hearings?
·         Testify on certain issues?
·         Meet with their elected officials?
·         Respond to action alerts?
·         Volunteer on campaigns?
·         Contribute to the PAC?

The key to successful member mobilization is having a clear vision for what you want them to do.
Start by adopting a pro-active legislative agenda (no more than three issues) or a specific cause (stopping a specific piece of legislation, electing your endorsed candidates, etc.). Then, develop an effective communication plan to help your members understand the importance of the issue; address the challenges your industry faces, the solutions your organization has to offer, and your successes on past issues. Be sure to keep it simple and make sure you tell them how it affects their livelihood (don’t assume they know what the issue is or why it should be important to them). Access all communication vehicles available (don’t rely only on email). Tell them over and over. And then tell them again.

Now, only after your members are aware of what you’re trying to accomplish and have bought into your mission are you ready to ask them to take action (vote, call, email, invest, volunteer, etc.) on a specific cause.

Government Affairs Strategies LLC provides the experience and expertise needed to build effective government affairs programs.

Our team has the ideal mix of experience and understanding how associations operate, how they can be successful, how to develop effective government affairs programs, campaign strategies, issue advocacy campaigns, legislative tactics, message development, communications/media plans, grassroots member mobilization and PAC fundraising programs.

Let us know more about how you want to mobilize your members and how we can help you achieve your goals!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Breaking a New Market

"If Jeezy's paying LeBron, I'm Paying Dwyane Wade" famously boasted Jay Z in his song Empire State.

Well we now know what that figure would be*.  Approximately $100 million is what Chinese Shoe Company Li-Ning is reportedly paying Dwyane Wade to represent their shoe brand.

Dwyane Wade2

Wade broke with Nike in order to take this contract on.  Most people view a Nike contract as the pinnacle of sports sponsorship.  So why would Wade break ranks in order to have a sponsorship with a little known company in the US?

Very simple.  Go to Nike's Basketball page.  They already feature 3 superstars - LeBron, Kobe and Kevin Durant.  That doesnt count the countless others that Nike sponsors.  Just look at this list found posted 4 years ago - LINK

The move to Li-Ning enables more growth for Wade.  First in the largest growing market - China.  And being the ONLY person in there...

Dwyane Wade is setting himself up for growth and expansion in a world where he is a pioneer.  What market is being neglected that you could exploit?  Plan for it, and if you need a reminder of how, look at Bryan's last post!

* Yes I know the real number was $3k... however if you know that and why, you probably aren't reading this blog.  Just keepin' it real.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Strategic Planning for Government Affairs

Is your Government Affairs program in a rut? Is it time to take another look at how to improve your organization’s ability to advocate for your interests?

It starts with knowing what you want to achieve. Do you want to …
·         Achieve success with your legislative agenda?
·         Elect your endorsed candidates?
·         Raise more money for your PAC?
·         Mobilize your members to get more involved?
·         Educate policy-makers and the public about your organization's issues?

Based on what you want to do, you then need to develop a plan to achieve success for each item and a timeline for implementation.

Of course, you will need resources to be successful. Determine what resources will be needed. Identify the resources you currently have available, but don’t let current resources limit your vision. Based on the resources needed, work with your leadership to get buy-in for why it’s in your organization’s best interests to be successful achieving your vision, and then let them take the lead in finding the resources necessary to be successful. If they believe in the cause, they will find a way to fund it.

Government Affairs Strategies LLC provides the experience and expertise needed to build effective government affairs programs.

Our team has the ideal mix of experience and understanding how associations operate, how they can be successful, how to develop effective government affairs programs, campaign strategies, issue advocacy campaigns, legislative tactics, message development, communications/media plans, grassroots member mobilization and PAC fundraising programs.

As always, let us know how we can help you achieve your goals.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Building a comprehensive Government Affairs Program

Is it time to identify new ways to better advocate for your organization’s interests? Perhaps we should start by looking at what elements make for a successful Government Affairs program and then determine where your efforts could improve:

Your organization’s success often depends upon the ability to advocate for your agenda. To achieve success and positive policy results, you must:

  • Increase effectiveness of policy development and issue advocacy programs
  • Increase ability to support friendly policy-makers
  • Increase PAC investments to advocate for policy goals
  • Increase member participation in advocacy programs
There are three components to a successful government affairs program – Policy, Politics and Public Advocacy.

In order to craft or improve public policy, it is critical to understand the political/policy environment, and provide solutions to the challenges faced.

·  Develop a pro-active approach to policy-making (offer solutions to challenges, as well as reacting to proposals made by others that negatively affect your interests)
·  Identify your organization’s legislative priorities (top three issues you want policy-makers to address this year)
·  Determine what your message is for each legislative priority, who will deliver your message, how you will deliver your message and what supporting information will be needed to persuade policy-makers (best practices, model policies, research, policy guides , testimonials, coalition support, etc.)

Who is elected determines the outcome of good policy. Organizations must have the ability to implement plans and utilize resources to impact elections.

·  Identify which political offices are up for election and which elected officials support your interests and which ones do not
·  Determine which elected officials are running, which candidates will likely be vulnerable and which seats will be open
·  Recruit candidates for targeted races(focus on open seat opportunities and vulnerable candidates who do not support your interests)
·  Endorse candidates who support your interests, and provide support to help ensure victory for your candidates (contribute funds, provide volunteers, conduct Independent Expenditures)
·  Ensure you have the ability to influence elections by having sufficient PAC funds available (if you do not have the ability to help all your endorsed candidates win, then you need more funds in your PAC)

Public Advocacy
In order to ensure adoption of public policies that reflect your organization’s interests, you will often need to create the need for changing policies by raising attention, creating a presence and putting pressure on decision-makers to take action. In order to do this, you should be able to utilize marketing and public relations tools so that the public and policy-makers understand how to best improve policies.

·  Identify your target audiences (policy-makers, media, members, public)
·  Conduct surveys to understand what the public thinks and how to reach them
·  Develop effective messages that resonate with the target audience
·  Conduct marketing and media strategies, issue advocacy campaigns and outreach activities to promote adoption of policies

Government Affairs Strategies LLC provides the experience and expertise needed to build effective government affairs programs. 

Our team has the ideal mix of experience and understanding how associations operate, how they can be successful, how to develop effective government affairs programs, campaign strategies, issue advocacy campaigns, legislative tactics, message development, communications/media plans, grassroots member mobilization and PAC fundraising programs.

As always, let us know how we can help you achieve your goals.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

What happens if...

What happens if a stand up comedian goes on a TV news show, doesn't get the respect he deserves and gets a little upset?
video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

If that video link doesn't work, click HERE to see Russell Brand tear into the MSNBC Morning Joe team with incredible grace.

What starts out as a light hearted exchange quickly devolves into a surface level jibbing of pointless banter that takes away from the opportunity to hear Mr. Brand promote his upcoming tour.  The look on his face early on shows how disappointed he is with the progression.

So what does he do? In impressive fashion he dresses them all down individually, and then collectively for misguiding, misrepresenting, and misconstruing the format of media they represent.

What's the point?
Don't underestimate how badly someone can make you look if you dont take the time to prepare and act professionally.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Building a Successful PAC

Today the GA Strategies team presents to the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) on building a successful PAC program.

If you'd like to see the presentation, please go here - http://bit.ly/ASAE2013

Monday, June 10, 2013

Knowing what you want

One of the biggest challenges we all face is that of how to be effective in our course.  However more often than not you will end up with analysis paralysis.

The key is knowing what you want.  Before you call for help, sit back and ask yourself what your goal is.  Once you know that.  Figure out how you will best get there.

Your next step is knowing what you do and do not want in that effort.  However don't get stuck on those parameters.  There may be things you aren't thinking about that could be helpful.

Scott Phillips, a PR consultant from Chicago just penned a blog about RFPs that limit creativity.  Why box everyone in when you are looking to break out?  Regardless of what you are trying to do, yours isnt the only perspective, so don't limit how you can be successful, and don't limit yourself by over analyzing.

Somewhere in between is the...


Saturday, June 8, 2013

GAStrategies doing 2 presentations @ ASAE Government Relations Symposium!

This week the Government Affairs Strategies team will be doing 2 presentations, both at the ASAE Government Relations Symposium in Washington D.C.

Thursday Afternoon

Taking your PAC from Competitive to Successful
We will be covering new ways to empower your PAC fundraising, and really making your PAC that much more powerful.

Friday Morning

Starting From Scratch
In conjunction with David Mintz of Mintz Consulting, Chip Ahlswede will be giving a presentation on how to start a Government Affairs Program to make it successful. 

Along with some great other programs, Government Affairs Strategies is honored to be included in the program for our third consecutive year. 

Register today to come hear about ways to advance your advocacy!
asae logo

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Where will GA Strategies be in June?

We are out and about again!

11-12 - New Hampshire - Meredith
12-15 - Washington D.C. - Chip, Bryan, Meredith
17-19 - Sedona Az - Chip
21 - San Diego - Chip

Let us know if you'd like to get together, we would love the opportunity to discuss what issues you are facing, and how you can win at them!

The rest of the time we are usually in our home areas -

Chip - Orange County, CA (Near Los Angeles)
Meredith - Montgomery County, MD (Near Washington D.C.)
Bryan - Snohomish County, WA (Near Seattle)

If you are in the area, let us know and we will come to you.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Timing is everything

So east coast fans of the HBO show "Game of Thrones" are very excited about whatever just happened. Including my business partner.

However I'm here on the west coast and the show doesn't air for 2 more hours.  West coast fans are less than pleased with the spoilers coming out of the other coast.

Evidently Discovery Chanel even put out a spoiler. That won't sit well either.

What's the point?

Make sure your timing is right in your messages or you will likely alienate parts of your audience.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Messenger vs. Message

A few simple things we can agree on first -
  1. The Democrats are MUCH better at digital media than the Republicans, 
  2. There are most certainly Republican tech people who would love to change that, 
  3. The Republicans have a perception problem with younger voters.
Now, here's the twist - the guy who is widely regarded as the micro-targetting guru that propelled George W. Bush to victory in 2000 and 2004 is widely considered by programmers as outdated.

And he's the spokesman for the new Republican initiative to bridge the divide.

According to Politico - Silicon Valley isn’t buying GOP’s data plans - Tarini Parti and Michelle Quinn - POLITICO.com

Karl Rove's outreach is falling flat with the industry.  Its a very interesting piece and perspective, and worth reading, not just for the political implications, but what it says about the value of having the right messenger.

Think about it - We all know the Republicans need help, we all know Karl Rove is very politically savvy, we all know a bridge needs to be covered, and seemingly, this would be the data guy to do it.

But he's not.  Why?  According to the article, because he is seen as a "direct mail" guy not a digital guy. 

Regardless of the reality of this fact, it begs the question.  When you let the perception of the messenger drive the message... what happens?

In the case of a needed service from the best possible source... it falls flat.

Are your messages being delivered by the right messenger?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Creativity takes time!

If you are like anyone else, you have clients who expect you to shift the earth for their requests, and expect it yesterday.  Today, thanks to a friend on facebook, I came across this video -

Next time you feel the pressure to short change your talent to meet an arbitrary deadline of a client, remember this video, and remind them that to change the world, you need to figure out how first.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Questioned Motives

This week Apple's top leadership was before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations to be questioned about their practices for paying taxes when an interesting thing happened.

In this May 21, 2013, photo, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., expresses his displeasure that Apple CEO Tim Cook was being brought before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Permanent Subcommittee as the panel examines the methods employed by multinational corporations to shift profits offshore and how such activities are affected by the Internal Revenue Code, on Capitol Hill in Washington. A long-simmering feud in the Senate between establishment Republicans and tea partyers breaks into full view, with Sen. John McCain accusing younger colleagues of overplaying their hands and tempting Democrats to change Senate rules that protect the minority party. How to deal with the budget and debt become the latest quarrel in a string of them between McCain _ sometimes joined by other traditionalist Republicans _ and brash, tea party-champions such as Ted Cruz of Texas, Paul and Mike Lee of Utah.  (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) apologized to Apple CEO Tim Cook on behalf of the subcommittee. 

This seemingly strange move (strange in that most US Senators don't apologize for much of anything) has been called into question now by several sources. One of the most interesting of which is Open Secrets.

While it is something that would raise an eyebrow or two, just because its out of the norm doesn't mean it has an ulterior motive.

If you watch the complete hearing (available on C-Span) you can see the complete context of his commentary, and if you have followed the Senator's career for any length of time you know that he represents a very limited government, libertarian viewpoint.  So it stands to reason that he would be quick to push back on government attacking a company for complying with federal laws as they exist (and as was defended by the senators themselves and the first panel at the hearing).

So why are organizations calling into question Sen. Rand Paul's commentary?

Because he is flying to Silicon Valley this week.  People claim it is a suck up to tech-execs.

Regardless of any of the perceptions on the issue of Apple, their taxpaying practices, or Rand Paul, the point stands...

You have to realize people will question your motives.  Don't be afraid of it, prepare for the eventuality.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Cutting Lobbying?

The Susan G. Komen foundation has cut its lobbying down to $10k in the first quarter of this year.  Last year it spent $140k in that time period.

Is this strategy smart for an organization that is increasingly under the microscope?  Depends on your view of lobbying.  For those who understand the importance of addressing government that answer should be a resounding NO!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Why does your organization need to be politically involved?

Public Policy decisions affect your ability to make a living. Government Affairs has never been more important to your industry. Almost every day, government officials make decisions that affect your ability to conduct business. You must be strongly involved in the decisions that affect your livelihood.

Public Policy is set by elected officials. You have the opportunity to elect the right government officials making decisions on public policy issues affecting business and your livelihood. You can develop critical relationships with policy-makers who will advance your legislative priorities.

Electing the right policy-makers positions you for positive public policy. Simply put, it is easier to affect public policy if the elected officials support your issues. By electing the right policy-makers, you can be assured that your perspective will be considered. Electing the right policy-makers to office will help you develop a proactive public policy program that will implement good ideas.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Where will GA Strategies be in May?

May is an interesting one for GA Strategies.  We have one of our most full weeks together -

The National Association of REALTORS Mid Year and Legislative Meetings in Washington D.C.

Beyond that -

Chip will be in Northern Arizona
Bryan will be in Nashville, and
Meredith will be in New Jersey

Want to know when and where?  email us!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Presidential Libraries

Here's a fun one.

Today President George W. Bush's Library is dedicated.

How many have you been to? - LIST OF PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES

Today I hit Hoover's in Iowa.  Added to my list which now includes -

  • Ronald Reagan
  • Richard Nixon
  • Jimmy Carter
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • John F. Kennedy
  • Lyndon B. Johnson
  • George HW Bush
  • William J. Clinton
Just missing Truman and Eisenhower

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Resolute & Undeterred

Two of the Government Affairs Strategies team are avid runners.  Meredith and Chip.  Both have completed marathons.  We run for the love of it and the fitness.  However we found much more.

Much of it is esoteric until you've done it, but Ezra Klein of the Washington Post did a great job of explaining what a marathon represents far beyond the 50,000 steps each runner incurs that day.

It's about the humanity of the event.  The greater good, and the indomitable human spirit.

At 4:10 minutes into a Marathon, you are hitting the time when the most runners are crossing a finish line.  Also, Boston is a race that there are only 2 ways to get into.  Qualify at a time that very few ever achieve... and most of those people were done before the blast.  Or agree to raise money for charity.  On average, well above $5,000 each.

27,000 runners, most raising over $5k ea for charity.  You do the math.

Those runners and their families were who was targeted. The determined few who run for everyone but themselves.  Those souls whose spirit reaches for a level we all strive to replicate.

The Resolute.

The Undeterred.

And what has been the reaction?  Runners everywhere laced up.  Tuesday you saw them wearing their race shirts in solidarity.  Over the weekend runners across the country ran races with tributes to the runners in Boston. Friends from all over the country have reached out wanting me to help them run Boston next year... simply because they know I run.  And I will.


Because that is who we are.  The Resolute.  The Undeterred.  The torch bearers of the American Spirit who will not allow anything to stand in our way.  Who will not let cowards dictate our lives.  Who will not look to ourselves for blame, or assign politics a place here.  Who know the only way to move forward is to reach out, help others, and move together -

Resolute & Undeterred

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Rebrand or Rebuild - Advocacy decision...

Organizations regularly run through challenges to the importance of their advocacy brand.  The second something goes wrong people immediately look for a new image.  However that's not always the best strategy.

Consider the NRA.  People love or hate them, there is very little in between, and that's just fine with them.  When they come to a policy they believe in, they stick with that message, even in the face of opposition.  Their first stab at responding to the horrific tragedy in Newton, Ct. was met with great resistance.  But here is their message four months later.

The message hasn't changed.  Brand attacked and they stuck with it.  Step away from the emotion of the issue, and look what they've accomplished.  They have altered the discussion from one of reaction to a tragedy to one of discussion of policy.

Now some have labeled their effort as less than sincere, or flat out pandering.  But that isn't the issue.  What is the issue is that they didn't let attacks, even celebrity led attacks from the likes of Jon Stewart or Jim Carrey, both hugely popular and extremely biting in their commentary on the NRA.  Still the NRA held firm.

Being involved in politics means you will have resistance.  Its the nature of the game.  But you have to stay true to who you are and what you believe.  Failing doesn't mean Rebranding.  It means Rebuilding.

And one last thought on your program and rebranding... Would you rather be -


Monday, April 1, 2013

Where will GA Strategies be in April?

Want to meet up with us and talk about where we can help you?  We will be around, so let us know if you have some time!

4/3-5 - Minneapolis, MN - Bryan
4/3-4 - Boston & Waltham, MA - Meredith
4/9-10 - Phoenix & Tucson AZ - Chip
4/15-16 - Washington, DC - Meredith
4/17 - Los Angeles, CA - Chip
4/18 - San Diego, CA - Chip
4/23-25 - Des Moines & Quad Cities, IA - Chip
4/26-27 - Chicago, IL - Chip
4/28-30 - Nashville, TN - Bryan
4/29-5/1 - Columbus, OH - Meredith

Yes we are racking up the frequent flyer miles, but we'd rather help you rack up engagement in your program!  So give us a shout and let us know how we can help you!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

PAC Fundraising Fundamentals

So while you're thinking about your PAC Fundraising program, it's important to understand why people would give to your PAC ... or for that matter, why they would give their money away to anything!

Most people will contribute their money for one of three reasons:

1) They believe in the cause
2) They are asked
3) They want recognition

Therefore, knowing this is why someone would give away their money, you will want to build your fundraising efforts around this premise.

For someone to contribute to your PAC based on believing in the cause, you need to make sure they know what the cause is ... in other words, a central part of your fundraising program needs to be educating your audience (whoever you want to contribute to your PAC) about what your program is trying to achieve and why the PAC is essential to achieving the goals that your audience cares about.

Once your target audience is educated about the cause, its time to ask them for the order ... you can't assume they will give just because they know what the PAC is all about and why it is important. You need to make sure they are asked personally to contribute to your PAC. It is always best to set up a system where the individual is asked by someone they respect or will want to say yes to. While that is not always possible, it is still important to make sure your audience is given the personal opportunity to contribute.

And when they do contribute to your PAC, make sure they are recognized for doing so ... recognize contributors by both thanking them personally as well as recognizing their contributions at every opportunity possible (website, newsletters, meetings, etc.).

When you have a system in place that takes these key aspects into account, you will see your PAC Fundraising program reach new heights.

As always, let us know how we can help you achieve your goals.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Quarterly Checkup - PAC

The Political Action Committee
Your Political Money

Former California Speaker of the Assembly Jesse Unruh once called Money the Mother's Milk of Politics.

True enough.  At times.

It is also one of the most effective methods of educating influential people and groups on your issues.

So what have you done about your PAC?

If you are like most organizations, you look at the first quarter as the time where your dues money and associated PAC contributions are being gathered, and you haven't focused much on educating anyone on the PAC or why it is so important.

While I don't advocate this approach, I understand it.  So at the very least take a look at your PAC receipts -

  • What percentage of members have contributed?
  • What is the total amount you have collected?
  • What is the average dollar amount contributed?

Lastly -  Do these numbers meet your needs?

if you don't have an answer to that last question, you need to do so.  How much are you going to need in the next election for -
  • Campaign contributions
  • Candidate Fundraisers you attend
  • Candidate Fundraisers you host
  • Independent Expenditures
  • Member Engagement / GOTV efforts
  • Partner PACs
Once you have that set of numbers, you know where you need to build your PAC up to.  Additionally you have a goal and a vision that you can sell to anyone who hasn't supported your PAC so far.

Now make a plan to go and get it.

Here's one final tip - there is no one single way to ensure your PAC messaging gets out.  It is a combination of efforts that will make you successful.

Let us know if we can help!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How Accurate is Your Information on Your Audience?

The Government Affairs Strategies team is sitting in a working session on Political Data.  Here are a couple of facts about Voter Registration Lists that gives us pause...

Voter lists have been good about starting to clean up their information within their own state.  However -
  • 11.5% of the information on voters is an outdated address
  • 5% of the information on voter lists is a duplicate address
  • 7% of the information on voter lists include undeliverable, deceased, or other problems in delivering mail
Which comes to almost 1/4 of your data from the voter registration list being wasted.  That means if your data isn't the best and cross matched nationally with other files... you are potentially throwing away 1/4 of your campaign outreach budgeting.

Take the time to make sure your data vendors have the best possible information, unless you are fine throwing away your money!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Quarterly Checkup - Presence

Believe it or not we are already at the end of the first quarter of 2013.  Now is the time to do a quick review of your program so far this year, and take a look at what you need to do next quarter.

Each Friday in March we will look at a different aspect of your government relations shop.  This week its your presence.

Each year I send a letter to all the elected officials that represent the areas I cover.  Just a quick intro of the organization, who we are, who we represent, and an overview of the issues we cover.  However I take it one step further.  I give suggestions of how our organization may be helpful to them as elected officials.  Not from a "let's help your campaign" perspective, but what can our organization provide you as you address the issues of your community?

Who out there knows you?  Who do you know?  Who do you need to know?  Who do you align with most often?  Who do you oppose most often?

The last one can be one of the most important questions.  Because better than knowing your enemies, is knowing how you can make them friends.  What do you have in common that you can work on with them?

How aware is your membership of everything you do for them on a regular basis?  Do the leaders know what you are doing on their behalf?  Are you doing what they would want?  Maybe they have a suggestion of what you could do better for them as an organization.  Reach out to them.

For any of these elements that you haven't addressed already this year. Its time to set a timeline for yourself, a few basic goals, and a plan of how to reach these groups.

For those that you have built this presence with, what's the next step?
Elected Officials - Provide them some info and engage them in your community efforts.
Community Organizations - Figure out a few things where you can work together
Industry - Build an outreach program that engages them, and encourages others.

In reading this, if you have any questions, as always, please feel free to give us a call.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Style, Standing Out, and Set Apart

I spend a lot of time in airports these days. And as anyone can tell you who spends a lot of time in airports, you see some weird stuff. Often very weird.

This last week while on a six day seven state trip and leaving Albuquerque I saw this -

Between the length, layovers, and number of appearances of last week's trip, I was certainly caught off guard - mostly with the thought of "I wouldn't want to take that through security..."

So I shoot this pic, send it off to a few friends, and low and behold they recognize him. Turns out his name is Jimmy Cusano and he helps with membership drives for chambers of commerce called Your Chamber Connection.  They make membership drives fun for the members, and they manage to bring some large sustainable success to the organizations with which they work.

But clearly the commitment doesn't stop there.  I had taken the opportunity to dress down to sweatpants and a t shirt because I was just exhausted.  And just like anyone who has to deal with airport security, I wanted it to be simple, easy, and comfortable.

However Jimmy, and by extension Your Chamber Connection, instead deliberately stand out.  They have found a niche, a presence, and a presentation, and given their commitment to that.

So much so that people across this country associate the look with the experience working with Your Chamber Connect when an over-tired travel-weary smart ass in a security line snaps a pic.

The point is this -

What is it that your organization does that makes it stand out?  And how committed to it are you?

Monday, March 4, 2013

Developing an effective presence in today's political environment

In this article (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0111/47969.html), POLITICO explains how the REALTOR Party is the next wave in developing an effective advocacy effort.

As this article explains, "some experts envision a day when industry groups will not only hit up their individual members, but their corporate accounts for campaign cash as well – and then target their spending in ways that have less to do with Democrat or Republican, and more to do with who is pro or con on their big issues."

“The business community is figuring out they need to be their own best advocate,” said Greg Casey, president of the Business Industry Political Action Committee, which helps companies set up voter registration and education programs aimed at their employees. “There is a lot going on. In some cases, the Realtors could be the model.”

Added Jan Baran, a Republican campaign finance expert who consults with corporations: “Realtors, auto dealers, lawyers, they are going to want to be politically effective, and a large measure of their influence is that they are present everywhere.”

“Electing and re-electing REALTOR friendly candidates is an integral part of protecting the industry. During the election, REALTORS were the driving force in triggering the candidates’ understanding that stable and sustainable housing markets are the central component of our economic recovery.”

"The Realtors’ campaign differed from that of such large trade and business groups as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in that it was built around one industry and targeted at a subset of candidates with clear records of advocating on housing issues while serving in Congress, a state legislature or on the job."

Friday, March 1, 2013

Where will GA Strategies be in March?

We are making our way around the country.  let us know if you are available to meet.

12-15 - Washington D.C. - Chip Bryan and Meredith
15-19 - San Diego, CA - Bryan
21-23 - Washington D.C., Chip and Meredith
24-26 - Nashville, TN - Bryan

Don't see us near you?  Invite us out!  Contact us for opportunities.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fundamentals of PAC Fundraising

Educate ... Ask ... Recognize! Learn how to effectively use these fundamental aspects in your PAC Fundraising Plan to increase your PAC receipts. Contact GA Strategies to learn how today!