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Friday, March 15, 2013

Quarterly Checkup - PAC

The Political Action Committee
Your Political Money

Former California Speaker of the Assembly Jesse Unruh once called Money the Mother's Milk of Politics.

True enough.  At times.

It is also one of the most effective methods of educating influential people and groups on your issues.

So what have you done about your PAC?

If you are like most organizations, you look at the first quarter as the time where your dues money and associated PAC contributions are being gathered, and you haven't focused much on educating anyone on the PAC or why it is so important.

While I don't advocate this approach, I understand it.  So at the very least take a look at your PAC receipts -

  • What percentage of members have contributed?
  • What is the total amount you have collected?
  • What is the average dollar amount contributed?

Lastly -  Do these numbers meet your needs?

if you don't have an answer to that last question, you need to do so.  How much are you going to need in the next election for -
  • Campaign contributions
  • Candidate Fundraisers you attend
  • Candidate Fundraisers you host
  • Independent Expenditures
  • Member Engagement / GOTV efforts
  • Partner PACs
Once you have that set of numbers, you know where you need to build your PAC up to.  Additionally you have a goal and a vision that you can sell to anyone who hasn't supported your PAC so far.

Now make a plan to go and get it.

Here's one final tip - there is no one single way to ensure your PAC messaging gets out.  It is a combination of efforts that will make you successful.

Let us know if we can help!

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