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Monday, August 12, 2013

Popularity Contests in Politics

So many of us remember or have tried to forget the days of high school popularity contests – the good, the bad and the ugly!  But what does popularity have to do with politics? In today’s world of politics data is a key piece for almost everything, from polling to branding yourself, your online presence in social media to regular news feeds.  So what does this have to do with popularity and why should politicians being paying attention? Well check out what this DC start-up company is doing.  As we’ve seen from recent news, the good, the bad and the ugly exists everywhere and yes we know this is a shock but in politics too.  Either way, both incumbents and challengers need to know where their popularity stands and who is saying what about them.  And having that in data form is invaluable information to help them mold and shape their agendas among voters!

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