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Now this isnt a discussion of that issue. There are very deeply held beliefs on both sides of this issue. What is important is how it passed the Senate and avoided a Filibuster.
Whenever these things pop up we always hear "Why do we have the Filibuster?"
Simply put, the Constitution provides for all manners of dissent to be heard. The Filibuster is part of that.
And believe it or not despite recent issues you've heard in the news, it isn't very common.
It also always seems that the party in power wants to get rid of it, and the party that isn't loves it. Which is also why its important not to abuse the Filibuster.
In the end, the Filibuster is an important tool to make sure the minority is heard, and that legislation isnt forced through without the consent of the people.
When I went to work on the Hill, the person who ran our orientation asked a very interesting question -
"What is the purpose of Congress?" she asked.
The half sheepish half snotty answer given typically was - "To pass laws?"
"No, the purpose of congress is to stop bad laws from getting passed."
That's why we have the Filibuster.
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