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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Lessons from EmailGate

A good friend of mine wrote a great article on the cyber security lessons of Hillary's EmailGate.

Here's the public perception lesson -

You can't run for president and appeal to voters young and old if you act like the old.

What do I mean?
  • Ask the average 60 year old how they view Hillary's excuse of having difficulty with multiple devices and they will likely go with it
  • Ask the average 40 year old, and they are likely to be carrying 2 devices on them
  • Ask the average 30 year old if they can manage 2 email accounts and they will tell you they have several, but rely more on various social media platforms all linked into the same smart phone
  • Ask the average 25 year old and they will tell you that they find better communication through apps that chances are you havent heard from
  • Ask the average 18 year old and they are going to speak in a language you will need translated
Hillary's answer appealed to only 1 group.  And what is their answer?  Vote Warren.

That simple thing caused younger Democrats to start looking elsewhere.  Not necessarily the scandal, or the lost emails, or any of that - it was that they were looking at someone who used too-much technology as an excuse.  Something they can't relate to.

Obama on the other hand has adopted multiple social media platforms, and even gone on obscure internet shows - like "Between Two Ferns" - to make sure his appeal stretches beyond just traditional bases.

Now obviously there are many reasons that people choose to vote for a presidential candidate.  However this very well could be Hillary's Dukakis in a Tank moment -

The question is, are the messages you are sending making you look like Dukakis in a tank, or Obama on Between Two Ferns?

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