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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Consider Your Sources...

This is Leslie Appleton Young. Chief Economist for the California Association of REALTORS(R).

She is one of the most brilliant economists in the country, and her statistics have been consistently spot on every year for as long as I can remember.

Well respected, sought after, and flat out amazing person to get to know.

This is the person sitting next to me.

She... Is not an economist.  However she explained to me that she knows EXACTLY what is going to happen in the economy next year, and specifically in the housing industry. She's got the best source you see - Conservative Talk Radio.

"The get their information straight from the fed guy Greenspan."

Not Yellen... Not even Bernanke... Greenspan.  The fed guy.

So she knows EXACTLY what is going on as you can clearly see.

Now Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen are all great sources of economic information. Conservative talk radio is great for finding out some issues you may not be aware of otherwise.  However neither can be considered authorities on California Housing Data.  Leslie Appleton Young is.

My point is this- make sure the people you are getting to work on your issue are getting their information from the RIGHT people.  And hopefully they know a little more than... This lady.

For the record she left this presentation early about 5 minutes ago. Presumably to tailgate before her favorite talk show that comes on at 3pm PST.

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