While we move...

We are in the process of updating our website. In the meantime, you can find out information about us here. For further information, please email us:
Chip Ahlswede
Meredith Weisel

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Standing up for what you believe

What does it take to have an impact? The willingness to stand up for what you believe.

Today the Maryland Association of REALTORS(R) stood up for homeowners everywhere and got the Senate to table removing the mortgage interest deduction from millions of homeowners taxes... The ONLY interest group out there that PROTECTS homeowners...

You can read the news story HERE

And they were well received, note the quote from the Senate Committee Chairman -

"If you are going to reduce that when people are looking at buying homes, that difference may make the difference on whether they purchase a home or not," Senate Finance Committee Chairman Mac Middleton said.

Great job REALTORS(R)! As for your organization... what are you willing to stand up for?

See the images from the day HERE

Friday, February 17, 2012

Polling before filing - interesting commentary

Our friend Adam Probolsky put out an interesting commentary on the value of polling prior to filing and all of the things that it can benefit, including:

- Title and Summary suggestions
- Arguments
- Ballot positioning.

A worthwhile read for those who are considering an initiative.

Click HERE to read it

Monday, February 6, 2012

Halftime is Gametime!

In the now famous Chrysler Super Bowl Ad - Halftime in America

Clint Eastwood explains it's time to get up, dust off and see what we are made of America.

Yes, it's true, its time to pick ourselves up by our boot straps and regain that image of America that we all believe in.

This message is strong, will it last? Will it inspire? Or will we be back to playing Angry Birds in 2 weeks?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Advocacy in the Super Bowl?

2 years ago we saw the Tebow Focus on the Family Ad

Last year we had Darth Vader... not exactly Advocacy

But still awesome.

What will be this year's big ad? Will we see typical commercialism, or will we see an advocacy effort?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where will GA Strategies be this month?

Hey we may be in your area, let us know if we can help you -

2/6-9 - Louisiana - Chip
2/15-17 - Michigan - Bryan
2/20-22 - South Carolina - Chip
2/22-23 - Arkansas - Chip
2/23-25 - Texas - Chip
2/27-29 - Arizona - Chip

We'd love to meet with you!