The goal is examining what associations have fundamentally advanced their political efforts (combining lobbying and PAC spending). The National Association of REALTORS topped their list (REALTORS also topped the CQ list of PAC fundraising and spending)
Government Affairs Strategies, LLC has been pleased to be part of the team that helped make this a reality for the past 5 years. We know the hard work and dedication that went into this success.
So what would it mean to take YOURS organization to this level? It comes down to several key things -
1) Commitment - this took many years, a lot of time, and a great deal of money. The results are clear, but to get there you must be ready to commit. We've also worked with organizations that weren't ready to commit, and their results are also clear. So look internally and ask if you are ready to implement the necessary strategies and steps to succeed.
2) Awareness - the REALTORS have always been strong. Where they are today however took a realization that a) the game has changed, and b) they need to make fundamental changes to remain strong. They were also aware that there was a lot they didn't know - even about their own oeganization and members - so they assembled the right team to figure it out.
3) Ever-growing goals - You can not rest on your laurels. If you do, it gives everyone a chance to catch up, or worse - surpass you. By setting attainable yet challenging goals that evolve, you are able to stay ahead of the curve.
4) The RIGHT team - all the plans and goals you make are pointless if you don't have a good team behind them making sure those plans and goals are accomplished. Get the right volunteers, the right members, the right staff and the right consultants in place. Build the needed resources. Empower everyone to succeed.
We've been honored to help drive the REALTORS to success. It truly has been a great experience.
-- oh, and by the way, we know what's in store for the future there... And you ain't seen NOTHIN' yet!